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Friday, August 29, 2014

No Greater Love

John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

When my Grandpa was no longer able to take care of himself he came to live with my parents. He was 87 years old. His physical condition was great but his memory loss was pretty severe. His heat beat was strong and even though he had some stiffness in his joints he was not bothered with arthritic pain.

He was a neat man and his table manners were excellent even in old age. He ate garden peas the old fashioned way…with his knife. He managed quite well. He enjoyed having company and he was especially pleased when the great-great grandchildren visited and he would smile and laugh as he watched their antics.

After my father died in 1986, Mother continued to take care of Grandpa by herself. My siblings and I took turns assisting Mom with his care; taking them out to lunch or out for a drive. But, as the years passed, we could see the effects of being a care giver. Her heart was beginning to weaken and her blood pressure elevated.

We became concerned about Mother’s health and one day we mentioned that perhaps Grandpa’s care was becoming too much for her to continue. She said, she could never place her Dad in a nursing home. We said, “But Mom, he doesn’t even know who you are most of the time.”

Mom’s reply revealed a lot about her. She looked us straight in the eye and said, “That’s true…BUT I KNOW WHO HE IS.” We never mentioned it again and Mom continued giving Grandpa the tender loving care that he needed and on January 25, 1991, he fell and a few days later expired due to a cerebral thrombosis. He was 97 years old.

I will never forget Mom’s reply. She was willing to endanger her own health to care for him.
I Cor. 13:4, “Love suffers long…and is kind

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